Berkeley's Trefoil Shanghai Lil(CH Trefoil's Syllabub and Trefoil's Flora Dora)
Lil has tested CLEAR on DNA for Dry Eye, Curly Coat and Episodic Falling. Lil is a special girl, she was born in 2008. She loves to chase the ball and would run all day after it and well into the night if you let her. She takes after her mom, Flora, and loves to hunt, the true spaniel talent comes out in her! She is most happy, when not outside, sleeping on the back of the couch and watching T.V. She is heart and eye clear in 2012.
Trefoil's Flora Dora, CGC
CH Hollambrie Harry Potter x CH Trefoil's Lucia Flora is the Grand Dam of the house, she was the best mom to her pups and is now an awesome grandma to pups in the house, helps put them in their place and is great at teaching them doggy life lessons. She is our huntress, her favorite pastime is to find the critters in the yard from frogs to moles and chasing birds. She is a total daddy's girl and loves to go to work with me and sleep under my desk. She was born in 2004 and is heart and eye clear in 2012. Flora's litter of NINE